Thursday 31 July 2014

Thinking About Life

If I connect life with a new peice of stone seprated from its mother rock and allowed to flow with the river. Then ; Life was just going with the flow hitting some hard rocks, some smooth flows, some escapes, some chances of touching precious stones, some changing locations, some jumps, and finally seperated to form sand.
Thinking or trying to find the uniformities in life is something man wanted to find out since we started living. I was also curious about some of that subjects like
Equation of life
Good and Bad
Character balance
And finally i found something about Equation of Life.
Light z totally connected with Life. Like the science explains Light have Dual nature
Life also have these properties. Life explains the dual nature of both matter and wave. Matter part of life is his body, human strength and energy. Wave part is the graph drawn beetween happiness and depression due to problems. It is probably a wave because good, bad both cant be avoided in life. We are suppose to experiance both.
Reflection is another property.
If you do good, good reflects back and if you do bad, bad reflects back. Good is what makes you and others happy. Bad is what you dont want others to do to you.
Refraction happens when we change our behaviour according to the situation. For example we are honest and when a situation demands lie we deviate our character with the medium.
White light is a mix of seven colours. We see certain colour when the object absorbs six other colours and emitts the particular required colour. Likewise we also behave in certain occations. Absorbing what is needed and neglecting those things we dont want.
Its all like the great said, " It just goes on; thats all about life "
The wave balence is maintained. Thats what we can do.
