One of the problems I found strange and usual around me is the main reason for this blog. I have never ever witnessed a world that stood silent around me. But my friends say, they had.
It was the first year in college hostel I heard the word Loneliness from a musical album singing
It was the first year in college hostel I heard the word Loneliness from a musical album singing
' I'm so lonely broken angel......... '. Then I asked my friend what is loneliness. He replied that it is the feeling of being alone. How can I accept such a foolishness? No one can never be left alone because creating friends is so simple. Then I asked him the next question. " Have you ever experienced loneliness ? ''
A story about his childhood where he got worst experiences was the reply. He said he was experiencing loneliness since childhood. I tried to understand but can't even picture such a situation of being alone in the world.

The reason for loneliness can be
* rejection from loved ones
* incidents against expectation
* break-ups and problems
* workload
* incidents against expectation
* break-ups and problems
* workload
One of my elite classmates, 'Hari krishnan' was a chatting maniac usually chat with a hundreds of friends daily. But once he started saying 'I feel so lonely.' Even though he had a hundred friends to speak daily and yet he feels lonely.
Joseph F Newton explains the reason '' People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.''
Joseph F Newton explains the reason '' People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.''
A social networking chat box is a crystal wall which restricts emotions to pass through, just transfers copy of texts.
Loneliness is dangerous because it can direct us towards serious mental problems like depression, loss of interest in everything, sometimes suicidal tendency. I have failed many times, again and again, frustrated,but I never felt lonely. There were a lot of people to hear me every time I needed.
In the second year ,he started a Facebook page named ' I hate loneliness but it loves me more '. He added me as the admin of that page and from that I found there are hundred of requests coming to join that group. Probably girls send requests only because of its particular name.
The main reason for loneliness these days among youth is the influence of social networking. The wall created using the chat boxes. One believe the other can understand me and the other believes back. Actually none understands other. So it leaves you back in pain forwarding to loneliness.
The main reason for loneliness these days among youth is the influence of social networking. The wall created using the chat boxes. One believe the other can understand me and the other believes back. Actually none understands other. So it leaves you back in pain forwarding to loneliness.
''Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone. It has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word solitude to express the glory of being alone''.
Paul Tillich
Paul Tillich
Solitude is a joke if told among normal youth. Nobody likes being alone that much. Everyone needs someone to share everything. Albert Einstein says, 'Solitude is painful when one is young, but delightful when one is more mature'.
I like to be alone, like to travel alone, like to walk alone, like to enjoy rain alone, like to have a coffee alone, like to work alone, and so on. But usually friends will not leave me alone and they find it strange among the society to enjoy alone. Anthony Burgess says ' To be left alone is the most precious thing one can ask of the modern world.'
I like arguing just for nothing or to make myself understand I can win at any case. I used to argue with friends that the reason for divorces in love married couples is the over understanding which results in judgmental behavior between themselves. In my opinion a relationship exists if one protect the space of other. If there is no space, there will not be nothing special about someone and it gets boring in the long run starting with problems without any logical reasons and finally to divorce. Every relation sustains if there something is unknown in the other side. That unknown fact of other side make us stay curious about the part and continues interesting.
Albert Einstein quotes, ' The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind '. A serious work or a creative work is done from someone's solitude. One is able of anything and feels totally confident while enjoying solitude. It is such a special feeling I experience while being alone in the rain, screaming and laughing loud. Even the atmosphere before rain and the walk after rain provides me that special effect of solitude.
Getting out of the feeling of loneliness can me made possible by exploring new. Get out of what you are doing. Make new friends. Go for a walk. Spend time with your family. Make yourself engaged. Let that recreate yourself from a lonely you.
Experiencing the special effect and happiness of solitude is something different. It is possible through meditation. Practice running. Follow the beat of your footsteps. Do some work that is creative. Give some time to think. If you are a chatting addict, stop interacting through internet and mobile phones. Stop hearing music and concentrate on yourself while cleaning room, washing clothes and cooking food. You better experience the wonderful feeling of solitude if you want to.