Before I start with the not so likely article here, let me wish you all a happy independence day. It's high time when we celebrate seventy two years of Indian independence; it is important to think and analyze ourselves as a society that fought for freedom years back. We were growing both economically and technologically fast forward in these years. Yes, we have grown a lot. Let's put it straight in the table.
- We have become a populated nation with huge number of human resource availability.
- We have emerged as the fourth best defence mechanisms in the world.
- We have gone faraway heights to be sixth in space technology.
- We have learned enough to be the world's second largest english speaking society.
- We are third in having most number of millionaires in the World.
- We are number one in mobile phone usage, in certain entertainment fields such as cricket, kabadi and film production.
What do you think? Isn't it enough for us, the country with ultimate man power, in the world's largest democracy to celebrate? It is important to see where we stand as a country or as a society in terms of basic living and harmony. If you go for facts, I'm sure you'll hang your head with shame.
I will quote few of our current conditions and ranking we have achieved internationally.
- According to the Indian census 2011, the population of India has crossed the 1-billion mark. India will be world’s number-1 populous country, surpassing China by 2025.
- We are second best in migrating to other countries.
- Life expectancy is 125th among 183 countries offering 68 years of average lifetime.
- Infant mortality is 113th among 223 countries, means 37 kids die during every 1000 births.
- In the global hunger index we are 97th out of 119 countries, means, 190.7 million or 14.5% of the population is undernourished in India.
- Our health expenditure per capita stands in 140 among 190 countries.
- Literacy rate is at 168th position among 234 countries with 26% percent of India highly illiterate.
- In the world happiness report, we are at 133 among the 155 countries considered. Sad to accept we live in an unhappy country.
- In the Human Development Index we are at 131, that is far away from hope.
- In terms of social progress we are in 93rd position considering 128 countries.
- If a child have to be born, our country is its 66th option according to economist intelligence unit.
- In Global Youth Development Index we are way back to 134 out of 183.
- More than 1.5 crores of people is homeless.
- In terms of gender inequality we are at 125 from the 188 countries considered.
- More than 18000000 people are living in modern slavery.
- Our per capita GDP is much lower to put us in 139th position among 187 countries.
- Our minimum wage given for labourers is less than 124 countries in the world.
It goes on. These figures doesn't make me feel proud of being an Indian. Rather, these figures make me a responsible Indian.
Being a responsible Indian all I can do in a democratic country is to make sound that reflects the need of growing further to achieve further.
Being a responsible Indian I can realize the importance of my power as a citizen and make my impression in the growth of our nation.
Being a responsible citizen I can think of the root cause and solution of the current situation and work for the betterment of it.
Being a responsible Indian I can use my democratic power to analyze and vote for the right candidate.
Being a responsible Indian I can push the current government to walk the right direction.
Being a responsible citizen I can work towards becoming proud of being Indian.
But do you think you are free to do so? To be frank, I'm afraid. If our media is right, what is happening to journalists is terrifying me. A youth that is ignorant and proud without cause is putting me in fear. Once I raise my voice,(that I'm suppose to) I'm called anti-Indian. I'm a supporter of the current Prime Minister for his courage to come up with schemes like demonetization and GST, irrespective of its results. At the same time I oppose the communal hatred his followers preach. But I'm afraid to speak, to do my duty to the country I live in. People are asking me to shift to a country according to my religious beliefs. It is really saddening to say that I can't even do my duty as a citizen to the country I live and I love.
To conclude, let me repeat certain points. For a better India, as a responsible citizen, the first thing we need to acknowledge is that India is nowhere before the world in terms of any potential standard. For most of the foreigners I know, India is cheap, filthy, and poor. To change the world's perception is not an easy task. But if we are ignorant and proud of it, nothing is going to change. If we need to change, I have few points to make.
1. To know real India and its current status in global level.
As I have described above, it is really important to acknowledge where our country stand before the world. We have to realize the elements that make foreigners think we are cheap, filthy and poor. Then we have work to reduce cheap labour, quality less entertainment, ugly environment and poverty in places. First we need to build the base before start flying.
2. To be silent about the old Great India we believe to have existed.
To be true, India never existed before British. Before British rule, it existed as 100 different countries fighting each other for pride. So India, as we have now is just a 72 year old country. Let's don't forget, but keep the great culture and civilization of past glory in mind until we reach into a position where we can display them before world with pride. Otherwise the world is only going to take it as a loser's outcry.
3. To read news papers, understand and react to issues that is happening around.
As civilians in a democracy, we need to understand our value and position in shaping our society. If you feel media is fake, we can change it. Rather than being a follower of any political party, be the follower of the right things it choose. Rather than being a defender of opposition, be the acceptor of feedback it offers. In the age of social media, learn to accept and correct ourselves before criticisms other than defending it with opposition's faults.
We will grow that way, before the world, as a mighty great nation, so I can feel proud of its wonderful achievements.
I dream of my India, standing tall and proud before the world, and I believe in its potential to grow wonderfully well in terms of social harmony. Let the religious hate and political intentions end for a better India I can present before the changing world. Happy Independence Day.