Imagine this scenario. While traveling in a bus Ramu happens to hit Raju accidently. In return Raju responds back with a much stronger hit. When Ramu tries for an antagonistic blow passengers intervenes in-between and threw both out from the bus. Ramu feels insulted and calls for help. Watching this Raju appeal his friends into the scene resulting in abuses and they leads off to fighting afterwards. It turns out to be racial or caste linked fight dramatically. After a saga of miscellaneous happenings many fight each other ending in butchery.
This sort of occurrence is not unfamiliar in India. Now wake up from your imagination and reconsider it this way. Consider Pakistan as Ramu and India as Raju. Bus resembles our border area and other passengers are civilians of border states. Their friends resemble weapons and racial/caste relations in the issue corresponds to media. When people die, life ends. Along with life, someone's hope, love and dreams expires.
Now make a favourable twist in the story and try to re-imagine it. One forgives during dispute’s birthplace itself and crash concludes. People continue to exist in peace and life is being preserved.
Once when I was a kid, one of our favourite educator told us a story. In one of the international concerts, with the presence of representatives from all prodigious nations, went Vivekananda representing India. When the meeting progressed, representatives of each country went on counting their credits and numbered the countries they have conquered. Subsequently came the turn for Indian representative. Vivekananda was silent.
"What happened mister? Tell us something about your country," appended one. Vivekananda replied calm; "India haven’t attacked or conquered any country in its known history." Everyone sniggered.
"We had great civilizations, great mathematicians, odd resources and much more. We let people live. We stood for peace. We let peace grow in our borders and welcomed everything that came in."
"Now tell me, whether the ones who farmed terror is great or the one stood for good and peace" Everyone in the hall stood speechless.
We had this culture of farming amity, adoration and harmony. Our father of nation 'Gadhiji' showed us how to protest precluding violence. He taught us how the mantra of ‘ahimasa’ bring on success. Now what we propose is war and destruction. The justification raised includes terrorism, revenge, resistance, defence, counter attacking etc.
Whether our brains are froze enough to cover the fact ‘war means destruction’? I remember these words "Weapons never bring peace; they are designed for destruction." It dilapidate lives. Not only theirs, but also our people's too. Many caring fathers, obedient sons, passionate husbands,responsible brothers and good saviours will vanish adding credit to our country betraying their lives. Our economy will drop with the idea of destruction. People starve in our neighbourhood. The curse of sorrow will never let us live in peace.

Now make a favourable twist in the story and try to re-imagine it. One forgives during dispute’s birthplace itself and crash concludes. People continue to exist in peace and life is being preserved.
Once when I was a kid, one of our favourite educator told us a story. In one of the international concerts, with the presence of representatives from all prodigious nations, went Vivekananda representing India. When the meeting progressed, representatives of each country went on counting their credits and numbered the countries they have conquered. Subsequently came the turn for Indian representative. Vivekananda was silent.
"What happened mister? Tell us something about your country," appended one. Vivekananda replied calm; "India haven’t attacked or conquered any country in its known history." Everyone sniggered.
"We had great civilizations, great mathematicians, odd resources and much more. We let people live. We stood for peace. We let peace grow in our borders and welcomed everything that came in."
"Now tell me, whether the ones who farmed terror is great or the one stood for good and peace" Everyone in the hall stood speechless.
We had this culture of farming amity, adoration and harmony. Our father of nation 'Gadhiji' showed us how to protest precluding violence. He taught us how the mantra of ‘ahimasa’ bring on success. Now what we propose is war and destruction. The justification raised includes terrorism, revenge, resistance, defence, counter attacking etc.
Whether our brains are froze enough to cover the fact ‘war means destruction’? I remember these words "Weapons never bring peace; they are designed for destruction." It dilapidate lives. Not only theirs, but also our people's too. Many caring fathers, obedient sons, passionate husbands,responsible brothers and good saviours will vanish adding credit to our country betraying their lives. Our economy will drop with the idea of destruction. People starve in our neighbourhood. The curse of sorrow will never let us live in peace.
I'm not a
supporter of BJP or RSS. But this move from the government ended great. With
the surgical attack, we did a great thing and showed the world we still help
people other than fighting each other.
This act from our side appeared similar
to the farmer who helped his neighbour to remove some parasite plants from his
plot. We showed the world our helping mentality and forgiveness unlike the
foolish Raju and Ramu. They fought for pride, killing themselves and letting
their family suffer.
For the last
few days, latest news India showed a lot of people promoting war through social media. The reasons
can be revenge, an exhibition of our strength or the pride we have. Whatever be
the reason remember, it takes only seconds to end lives but needs patient
effort to build up peace.
Be Wise;
Prevent War.