Monday, 8 December 2014
Friday, 28 November 2014
New seeds for Indian Education
Importance of education affects the status of every country. Status of a country is all based on the quality of education it provides. It is the our responsibility checking quality of our education and maintaining status of our country.
In Kerala, we studied lower primary education of DPEP (District Primary Education Programme) syllabus where we should carry colour pencils, art works describing subject matter and assignments. It was fun working with those subjects. In upper primary section including history,geography and science we had tough exams which makes us usually complain about the mysterious questioning style. They includes pictures of birds and vehicles for questioning subjects like physics and chemistry. That resulted in absence of surety about result prediction. Unexpectedly division of marks were liberal . That provided confidence for the next exam to create answers. The next year was more interesting; analysing questions and creating answers.
Instead of direct questions that could be answered only through memorizing the lessons, indirect questions and open ended questions were included so that the student needed to think before answering, and the answers could be subjective to some extent. This meant that the students had to digest what they studied and had to be able to use their knowledge in a specific situation to answer the questions. Present social situations like political and economical issues related with subjects became questions. That created the importance of being updated with the news. At the same time, the new method took away a lot of pressure and the children began to find examinations interesting and enjoyable instead of being stressful. We understood the value of our education is precious when we migrated from Kerala to our neighboring state for higher education.
Teacher - The model
In India, a great system named 'Gurukula' was been practiced in olden ages. The student should go for his guru requesting for his approval as a disciple. After his acceptance he should live with him gathering every knowledge his master can provide. Metaphysics and philosophy were the main core subjects taught.
The main lesson taught by gurukula system is the teacher itself. Every teacher should be a model for students to follow the right path.
Now a days the quality of a teacher should be checked. I personally categorize modern teachers as 4 types.
1. Newspapers - they just read the information.
2. Radios - they will not allow doubts
3. Kings - they think they should rule students
4. Politicians - they say if you have any doubt then
ask me, if you have any problem then
tell me etc. And escapes in needs.
We can't blame our teachers alone for this situation. The quality less education and improper teacher training makes the 'Newspapers'. The teacher selection of authorities without finding or analysing his abilities creates 'Radios'. The people meant for serving students are transformed to rulers and the system continues within themselves. When one becomes teacher he/she utilize their position as an opportunity to rule students, as it was for them.
Improper teacher training programmes and its implementation failure are the basic reason behind this condition. Training levels should be effective such that the teachers should understand how to make the students gather knowledge, think and analyze things for a better future. Proper training levels provide better knowledge about how the students can perform well with their brains.
'Amir khan' the erudite Bollywood actor explains the best concept of teaching in his movie '3 idiots'. He says ' Even the lion of zoo will do actions as its master suggests, we will not call lion 'well educated' but we say 'well trained' '. Well educated means they should know how to analyze and create. In my personal opinion I think we can create masterminds with the help of changing the present way of teaching in a slightly different manner. We have four levels of Indian school system : lower primary (age 6 to 10), upper primary (11 and 12), high (13 to 15) and higher secondary (17 and 18). In the lower primary level, manners like punctuality cleanliness etc. should be taught including the basic of subjects. Stories should be told effectively so that imagination and capability for thinking can be made even from childhood. In the upper primary section they should study the language so that they can learn everything reading ie. without translation. Another thing is the art of learning should be thought. Other than mental photography technique memorizing every line, the theory can be zipped by relating it with some other ideas and can be stored in memory. A student with proper language skills can elaborate the zipped concept eloquently.
In the high school level they should include some subjects and activities that can help them finding their career. They should be checked how effectively they can produce their potential abilities out. The exam should have a better interview level that check his/her skills of being a student which includes aptitude and creativity. Exams should not bother them while enjoying studying. During the higher secondary education they should realize the core of their abilities and should select subjects accordingly. There should be enough guidance specially allotted to support such departmental qualities. They should be taught how effectively the modern technology can help them in achieving their interests.
Apart from this there should be a revision of base in every levels. The teachers should try to create curious minds so that the education become much more interesting. They should make the students able to think out of the box through debates and group discussions.
Our government can do a lot more for improving our quality of education. Corruption in examinations aiming at the good result outcome from school is also a threat for our society. Corrupted government officers and syllabus selection creates a foolish generation. Updating the syllabus at times in accordance with the improving technology is the suitable way of creating a new great India.
Kerala was the first state in the country to introduce Information Technology as a subject of study at the High School level. It was started in class 8 with the textbook introducing Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. Once you establish these methods throughout our country, the idea will make you feel like its implacable. Changes are happening all around. Let those changes direct us towards a bright future.
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Experiencing Village & its beauty
After getting approval from every keda(goat) they made it ready for its sacrifice, holding its upper legs together with one leg and lower legs with other. The dancing priest came with a knife to cut each goats head. I began to abhor that scene and stood confused whether to see it or not to. As the first goat left its blood I find it so hard looking at it. So to inhibit that scene of murder, I diverted my point of view straight so that I can find a gathering of ladies at the opposite side. There every lady was of my mothers age or more.
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Women of Indian society
Women of our society are kept secret by our own cultural rules and judicial laws. Sigmund Freud known as the father of psychoanalysis, stated the core reason behind most of the psychic disorders as sexual starvation. We separate our children based on their gender, we never let them have a healthy relation with their opposite sex. Later they becomes over enthusiastic about their opposite sex ie. his/her body. They try to abuse them by touching and groping them in public transports, schools and at home.
The reason for these type of heinous acts are repressed mentality due to lack of sex education, spreading of porn and disgusting sexual videos.
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Kiss Of Love Not Lust
Kissing is the symbol of love not lust. If you think its lust then it is you who should change your view of looking at yourself and your state of mind. If you can kiss your mother and say it is love, then why are you watching it the other way. Even they say it is kiss of love.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Avoiding Loneliness & Experiencing Solitude
It was the first year in college hostel I heard the word Loneliness from a musical album singing

* incidents against expectation
* break-ups and problems
* workload
Joseph F Newton explains the reason '' People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.''
The main reason for loneliness these days among youth is the influence of social networking. The wall created using the chat boxes. One believe the other can understand me and the other believes back. Actually none understands other. So it leaves you back in pain forwarding to loneliness.
Paul Tillich
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Thursday, 16 October 2014
In Search of God
We will be having a hundred of questions related to god asked every time. What is god ? Who is god ? Whether god really exist ? What are the powers of god ? Whether god made everything we see ? Will he punish us if we do bad things ? How he look like ? etc.
In childhood god is what my parents show me to follow and to praise for his help in situations. Jesus is my god, he is my lord, my way and my life. I have grown with the church and its premises hearing bible stories, finding its moral and trying to live accordingly. When I came 15 my way of thinking changed into such a way that of the world with common issues, problems, etc. So my god concept changed ; god is what we can't calculate with human intelligence. Something which we are unknown about and something undefined within our limits. So again mindsets started rolling and changed the angle of looking at situations. God concept seriously considered as a matter of discussion and we fought between religions and caste.
From the origin of history humans learned to praise everything they fear such as sun, moon, thunder, sea, rain, animals, finally human kings. As in a small process they all converted to gods in with mighty stories. Tribal groups made rituals which continued generations and finally became traditions. A story for a good reason and a story for better life got invented. Ordinary fights and incidents converted to mighty stories or myths while time periods of generations overruled. Whatever be the cause everything pointed towards something that can help humans live long with unity and peace until the end. They were teaching what good means; The way to live life better; The key for maintaining human life on earth; What truth refers to. Etc.
In the pre-degree classroom, a usual English period was going on with sleeping last benches, listening front benches and gaming in-betweens. Fr. Jimmy was a funny, intellectual lecturer whom usually takes classes using interesting debates, stories, discussions etc. That day his question for debate was about god. '' whether god exists ?'' Whoever says god exists can leave their points against the priest lecturer. We were actually stunned with his question. ' How can he ask such a question ? '
Everyone was explaining the miracles happened worldwide. But he defeated every argument simply with a coincidence theory. Finally we the true believers failed after the war with words.
This incident make me think more and more about the subject.
After a month I was watching an old Malayalam hit film 'Aaramthampuran' starring 'Mohanlal' in the lead role. There a dialogue which wasn't much noticed gave me some more with the stuff. '' karmamanu daivam, karmamanu vishwasam karmam thanne anu aaradhanayum'' (means the actions we do is god, action is the belief and action itself is the praise.) These words part of bhagvathgeetha a mythical text of ancient India which is the bible of Hinduism. It gave me some more ideas that separated me slightly from my belief on Jesus. Again thoughts disturbed me with the question ' then for what the religion is for ? '.
Some more days passed leaving my mind in another confusion. One day one of my friends were talking about the need of confidence in life for achieving greatness. He said life depend only on confidence and nothing else. Whatever a confident man dreams he achieves. Then why religions are for ? Again that left me in confusion.
What make me confident about something ? My dad, my family, my acquired characters and talents, more than any thing the religious theories and god. I finalised god provides confidence, more and better than anything. Do good because god will surely reward me for that, fear to act bad because he will surely punish me one day. So base of my confidence is god which drives me good. Soon the something flashed saying god is good itself. The way of life for living happy. God is the reason for maintaining human life on earth. The reason for unity, forgiveness, and sympathy. If there were no god then the desire of humans will have killed themselves.
After finding this answer that God is good, I sat so happy near our church varandha. There at the holy mass the priest was praising the lord loud. '' Oh my God ; My Lord, you are the way, the truth, and the life. Without your grace we can't enter the gates of heaven. Lead us our god ....'' That day I carefully attended the Holy Mass. 'There Jesus gave his flesh and blood to humans; they ate his flesh and blood and became part of him. And then the priest said finally, ''For all who ate his flesh and blood will be allowed to heaven, and let them live peacefully till death. Amen...''
Jesus is my God. God is Good. If God is Good then what he have done is giving his good to others so that others can be good and can live long. The one who eat his flesh and blood is suppose to see himself and his neighbour as god itself. Then life will be happy like never before. If you can see god in others, you will be praised to God and success will comes behind. Its not a joke, there are examples; Rajanikanth in kollywood and Sachin Thendulkar in Indian cricket.
Searching for good is the next task, let me try to explain it in my next blog.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Cutting the sitting branch
Hi engineers,
The human culture starts with the invention of machines. Starting from simple machines to most modern hi-tech machines are invented for making human life much and more easier. We created each and every machines for helping us in performing different tasks easy with increased speed and accuracy. We dreamt of an effortless future generation with every facilities available at their hand-away distance. We invented electricity, facilitated infrastructure of buildings, super computers, high-speed bullet trains, hi-tech vehicles, communication channels, robots and much more. But recently we calculated the fact of reality about future. We made everything for the future generations ignoring side effects of the technology we mastered. Finally reality about the future revealed that if we can't control the technology we mastered then there will not be a future generation to make use of what we provide. The world of humans is going to end because of the technology we invented.
Global warming caused due to the excess carbon dioxide exhibited from vehicles, industrial hot air released from chimneys, hot water spillways etc. are the major threat of mankind. Because of global warming earth poles started to melt which results in such big floods that can cover the whole land. Pollution is an agent of murder in which we programmed for murdering ourselves. Even mobile phones is the major reason for the extinction of honeybees. Signals that cut their path back to home. Over exploration of both human and natural resources lead to the scarcity of wanted minerals and petroleum.
So we are going to run out of fuel within no time. We can't ignore and avoid the technical intervention of gadgets we use. We can't even think about such a situation. Here comes the importance of nature friendly technologies. The anti-dot for the agent we programmed. We are able engineers who can even protect our world from this dreadful situation of survival dilemma. Or else it is our duty to save the world, using technology for recreating a peaceful atmosphere which can make us live long. The available methods getting widespread these days are usage of solar panels and waste management. The saga of solar cell technology is getting widespread these years. We can protect nature making the habit of genuine behaviour include recycling and reusing the products that can be used a few times so that the waste produced from them does not deplete the environment.
Waste management is an essential need which have available techniques used for the solid waste management. Some of them are
Aerobic granulation
Air purge system
Crankcase ventilation system
Cyclonic separation
Electrical resistance heating remediation
Electrostatic precipitator
Emission test cycle
Facultative lagoon
Flue-gas desulfurizationn
Green Bridge (filtration system)
Hydrodynamic separator
Hyperaccum ulators table
Onboard refueling vapor recovery
Here in this situation of distress importance of a society which unites and leads the go green motto is essential. The Jackfruit Society is all about protecting the world from this major threat of modernisation. Our world is going to become the best platform for the life to live in. We will be soon developing nature friendly technologies which are able to protect us from the deadly reply of nature for polluting it. What I wanted to remained is that we should not wait for the situation to suppress us with another disaster. We should manage to protect ourselves from whatever the threats aiming at us.
We as the engineers of this era should dedicate themselves in working with the technology that are able to protect ourselves from pollutions and disasters. We should dedicate our knowledge, time and work for the betterment of coming generations and mother earth. Lets make the coming generations praise us for protecting them from all harm.
Sunday, 28 September 2014
5 Steps for being Creative
1. Gathering knowledge
2. Analyzing
3. Relating
4. Visualizing
5. Working
Before starting with the points, it will be easy to explain these things with an imaginary story where I can transform myself into a hero.
1. Gathering knowledge
Knowledge is something we acquire from surroundings mostly from our childhood stories and our observational and exploitative character increases the intensity of gathering knowledge. In the example told above the first step I took was gathering knowledge about her. I collected her interests, weakness etc. that made me get the gift for her. Only knowledge about the subject creates the platform for creativeSunday, 14 September 2014
Onam Celebration
Onam is the festival of Kerala(south Indian state). Gods own country celebrates onam to remember great asura king Mahabali who was noble and kind to his people in Kerala. Wherever the mallus unite, there onam is celebrated. The beauty of the festival lies in its secular fabric. People of all religions, castes and communities celebrate the festival with equal joy and verve. Onam also helps to create an atmosphere of peace and brotherhood by way of various team sports organised on the day. We are also a part of celebration. Onam mark the commemoration of Vamana avatara of Vishnu and the subsequent homecoming of the mythical King Mahabali who Malayalees consider as their King. The meaning of the song sang everywhere in Kerala that day make us remember the situation existed during his ruling period.
When Maveli ruled the land,
All the people were equal.
And people were joyful and
They were all free from
There was neither anxiety
nor sickness,
Deaths of children were
unheard of,
There were no lies,
There was neither theft nor
And no one was false in
speech either.
Measures and weights were
No one cheated or wronged
his neighbor.
When Maveli ruled the land,
All the people formed one
casteless races
Our college is situated in the birthplace of human civilization and languages. Tamilnadu has its proud of generations and now it is the masterland of education. Here, for last three years we are celebrating Onam with its colours and games. Usually final year students organise Onam celebrations in its strength and unity. We were waiting for our turn to organise the prosperous Onam. Finally this year we got the chance. We were happy and was planning about Onam at its maximum level with the expected money. Everything arranged well and rate for every product we brought were enquired many times to get it maximum best and cheap. I got two regions both stage&decoration and announcing management. Money got allotted for decoration in which I planned of making the statue of great king Mahabali. I had total confidence about the announcing management because I believed I am good at it. So I avoided thinking about that program of vocal practice. The Mahabali was another question. My laziness slow down the work of statue and gave me immense headache that night which left me sleepless. I spend whole night working with the statue and finally I quit without getting perfection at my work. That morning the celebration started wonderfully great. We were in traditional costumes with girls wearing white saree and traditional ornaments.
The official inaugural function started with speeches. I somehow fixed the statue unsatisfied in one of the less noticed position. There was two members allotted for announcements including myself in the morning section. Uncontrollable sleep was fading my face and was disturbing my head. In some parts of my inner head I felt like a drop of spirit is mixed up and spreading.
I started welcoming the guest '' Let's welcome our Respected Guest Mr. .. . .. . . . . .&$%$%#& " an absolute silence.
I forget his name. I forget what I told before. I don't know what to continue after. I gathered confidence and tried again. Again the same happened. Even if I made mistake my partner adjusted it simply with his talent. I quit that too. A day of failures was enough for me to spoil my mood. Even then I adjusted for success of celebration and for supporting friends. We danced alongside our Tamil brothers. We made competitions, played games, performed cultural programmes, shared sweet drinks, sang loud, listened to drum music performance etc. The program was a grand success. And I doubt whether this college witnessed such a celebration of happiness before. Everything was going perfect as expected, except my duties.
At that midst of happiness there came a big disaster. Within minutes every face turned sad. As like waves of tsunami something struck hard. Already there was lack of small amount of money even then it was adjustable. But our treasurer missed the balance amount of money in a nearby bakery. Some huge amount.
I was thinking about his mental condition when I heard this shocking news. I adjusted my mind of frustration analysing myself with his condition. I searched for him thinking of rescuing him from my fellow mates in killing him mentally. But their the situation shocked me enough. Everyone there was consoling him saying that incident as a part of fait. His eyes appeared red and his hands were shivering. We together found an alternative source for raising fund. Everyone was trying to make him come back to such a situation like nothing happened. We enjoyed and compelled him to dance with us for getting out of the mood. Finally the celebration ended happily.
I have heard from the juniors that our batch holds the name for unity in the history of mallu batches existed. But this was the first situation in which I realized we had such a unity. Everyone worked hard realizing their importance for such a target. When the disaster struck everyone fought together with confidence and stood brave. I felt such proud being part of such a batch, thinking about the situations. Its worth thankful to god almighty for such a unity and for making me part of such one.
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Performing Robbery
Second year college life had many series of memorable moments to explain. An year that changed everyone to their unbelievable state of building character and habits. An year diverted both our mind sets as well as life. Some of my friends who were feared of something became more brave to face situations and some became serial drinkers, some smokers, some studied how hard life is, some understood how the outside world is and so on.
We elated with joy, made enmity with seniors, clashed each other, forsaken our principles, hardened our friendship, ragged juniors, studied new languages, collected new knowledge and transformed ourselves. Some of my best buddies and their life being room mates attracted me a lot. Their method of unity and living needed to be appreciated in the method of adjusting money maintenance. Following the Jesus Christ with his confident quote they live in present like, there is no tomorrow. If someone is getting money from home today then they spend it on food and celebration. In most of the cases that money have the life of two or four days at least. Then two days are miserable in that week with starving, adjustment and finally debts. The next week opens with other ones money lavishly. The same repeats again and again. They never think about the quantity of money their partner can provide but they only think about the value of money in the correct occasion of starvation. More or less, whether it can satisfy their hunger the money contributes a greater value. Usually at the weekend parties they used to praise each other for the good and tease for the bad. That practice made them in creating a good character by developing the good in them and erasing the bad. They always had the behavior of performing risk full acts for fun ; or else let me say they like something risky and different to act.
I remember a time when we regularly visit tea shop opposite a company at 1 O'clock morning. Coimbatore city police didn't allow roaming after eleven at night. Even we manage escaping from get caught by that money eating bastards. Some time we run to escape from police and it appears to be like 'robbers running with robbed thing' for others. And one day we actually did robbery, not for gain but for fun and experience.
There were nearly five security guards in the college at night. Two in the main entrance, each one before male and female hostels and one at the generator room. We were tired that night and made a plan interesting to make ourselves energetic. We jumped the college wall. One of us were instructed to check the sleeping guards and another one for checking police patrol. Myself, with one of my friend, jumped the wall and moved slowly towards the parking without making noise. We took a cycle lifted it up and shifted it out of the college through up the walls. It was a real thrilling experience with a dilemma of moral interference and fear injection. We three at a time, traveled to the tea shop and the rest came on the second trip. After finishing the tea with jokes and experience-sharing on robbery we came back pedaling. Again we put that cycle back the same way we took it. But this time we made the position of the cycle change so that they should understand the importance and responsibility of guarding.
The next day, when we were entering college the guards were talking about the position change of cycle. We were laughing each other and enquired about the incident. So because we performed a sin we made a confession before the guards asking apology. From that day onwards the security guards are also our great company. In certain occasions they saved us from police while asking for identity. Something interesting usually remains back in heart as the best parts of life.
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Industrial visit
Hi Readers,
Recently I made a four day trip to Karnataka which is one of the south Indian state. The trip made itself useless with the title "Industrial visit " without visiting any company. It was boring throughout the first two days with some usual repetitions of music and boring dance acts. Whatever, we visited Mysore palace which stood proud with its royal constructional speciality. We even thought about the pride of Maharaja who sits in the decorated lion legged throne of gold to see the countrymen praising him at the courtyard. Even in thoughts we can't bear the state of mind with such a great pride of royalty. Abbi falls is a misty cloud hangs over the falls. From here the water flows into the Kaveri River. In coorg it appeared like the flow of milk from heaven. It provided a good background for my friends to take photographs and for me a cool refreshing experience only because I am truly addicted to nature. Metro train system of India is in its developing stage. But it was not that much of an experience sitting in the compartment watching the high-tech display and making an eye view on the crowded city. The next day plan was 'Wonderla' , a water theme park with too much of exciting rides. I considered parks as the place for kids to play, so my mind never allowed me to play with rides. I got a friend who avoided rides and it was her birthday. We were talking about flirting so because my friend and her friend break up recently. She had a question why boys always do these things and I had examples of girls who love again and again. I concluded her with the dialog " girls want only love, or someone to talk, not someone to be with her all life. She dream about to make him all her life but usually forgets the last man she dreamt of." Boys too have these facts happening every time. God gave time the speciality of erasing every bad and good that shaked us hard.
After the final program in coorg we left for Mysore. In the bus usually a clubbing style of mechanism happens with music and dance. One of my friends named 'kutti Arun' (kutti refers to his short height) made a different program of imitating each and every student of our class with the dialog and walking styles. Even teachers became baits. Everyone was thrilled with the absorbing and expressing capability of Arun which directed us to the most happy moments of our tour. The day passed and slept late. The next day after finishing visits, on the way return with some problems disturbing mindsets, every face appeared disturbed. Then Arun came up with the next program. Everyone turned themselves a speaker who made their view on our class. We spoke about our friends, problems, relations, likes and dislikes etc. One of our friend talking about her old crush on another mate was surprisingly interesting for hearing. Some talks occasionally got a sentimental climax of remembering family conditions. Even many of the mates came forward to share their experiences and situations which can guide us forward.
Every face turned sad again with the pain of separation. Even if the tour had a sad end, it made a different experience of understanding.
However the tour ended providing happiness to everyone who supported and participated. Every day and night turned to space of emotions. Every problems shared equally. Let God provide happiness and peace for all.